babe rainbow - combed

A music video for Babe Rainbow's Combed which appears on the Shaved EP, released on Warp Records, 2010. The short film is a surreal POV journey that hints at answering the question; what does a medium dream of? Set to the atmospheric music of the track, it quickly takes a turn from the mundane to the utopian sampling psychedelic.

A selection of screens from Babe Rainbow's Combed. A few dozen short clips were created in collaboration with Douglas Haddow, Chris Moberg and Kent Hugo. Strung together from a mix of found and dispersed footage, they appear throughout the video as figments of our hero's imagination.

Made by A&K&D. Writing and Concept - Douglas Haddow, Kent Hugo and Alex Kurina. Director - Kent Hugo. Assistant Directors - Douglas Haddow and Alex Kurina. Motion Graphics Director - Alexander Kurina. Animation Production - Kent Hugo, Alexander Kurina, CMoberg. Animation Production Assistant - Chris Moberg. Producer - Kent Hugo and Alex Kurina. Camera - Kent Hugo. Cast - Jonathan James Holby. Extras - Arbi Faridani and Ming Xien Yeo. Grip - Arbi Faridani, Rebecca Jones and Ming Xien Yeo. A multitude of thanks to Arbi Faridani, Jonathan James Holby, Chad Gavin Jeudy, Rebecca Jones, Chris Moberg, Ben Murray, Josh Raskin, Ming Xien Yeo, Dominic Wilder and Sirini Withana. Shot on location in The City of Brighton, UK, The London Borough of Camden, The London Borough of Islington, The London Borough of Hackney and Kent County, UK. Costumes by Escapade, Camden. copyright &a&k, 2010